
villa 9519

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  Property Highlights

Located in South Ex, the prime residential cum commercial neighbourhood of South Delhi, this cozy 2-bedroom house combines luxury with modern-day amenities. The clean and well-maintained house has a small but tastefully decorated lobby at the entrance. The classic wooden sofa set with a white decorated center table gives the entrance a stylish and elegant look. The bedrooms in the house are spacious and they have thick mattresses on modern wooden beds, innovative lighting and furniture and designer mat curtains on the walls. There are flat-screen TVs in every room and the bathrooms look fabulous with fashionable shower cubicles and plush bathroom fittings. The house provides the option for in-house food and free breakfast is included in the package. However, food delivery from outside is also allowed. If you are looking to celebrate your cocktail party, then Go with Villa 9519, one of the most beautiful Villa in Delhi for a cocktail party


  Best Suitable For

Birthday Party

House Party

Bachelor Party

Christmas Party

Bachelorette Party

Diwali Party

Cards Party

New Year's Party

Group Party

Private Party

From ₹ 35500 / Night

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