
The Lounge Bar - Sheraton New Delhi Hotel

Call +918588826881 or fill your requirements


  Property Highlights

Reinventing the definition of luxury, it is The Lounge Bar at Sheration New Delhi Hotel that is going to be fit for your next benchmark anniversary party in South Delhi. When you want to celebrate an important, benchmark of your relationship with your partner, you may want to di it with just him/her or only a few close friends. Well, in that case, there is no other place better than the The Lounge Bar- Sheraton New Delhi Hotel for, as the name conveys, it brings together the best of a lounge and a bar under one roof. The finger food along with brilliant nd exclusive drinks is to die for!

  Best Suitable For

Corporate Party

Birthday Party


Rooftop Party

Bachelor Party

Kitty Party

Freshers Party

Farewell Party

Ladies Kitty Party

Couple Kitty Party

Christmas Party

New Year's Party

Employee Farewell Party

Office Annual Party

Social Gatherings Party

Group Party

Family Get-together Party

Friends Get-together Party

Reunion Party

College Farewell Party

Your Requirements


Can We Help? Call +91-8588826881

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Starting Price
₹ 1050  / Person

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