
Sura Vie

Call +918588826881 or fill your requirements


  Property Highlights

Sura Vie offers an elegant yet energetic vibe with its modern décor and excellent food and drinks. Located in Punjabi Bagh, it’s the perfect destination for those looking to celebrate in style. The sophisticated setting and lively atmosphere are perfect for everything from a birthday celebration to a casual night out. Enjoy global cuisines and signature cocktails while soaking in the stylish surroundings. It's a great choice for anyone who loves good food, great drinks, and a fun atmosphere.

  Best Suitable For

Corporate Party

Birthday Party


Rooftop Party

Bachelor Party

Kitty Party

Freshers Party

Farewell Party

Ladies Kitty Party

Couple Kitty Party

Christmas Party

New Year's Party

Employee Farewell Party

Office Annual Party

Social Gatherings Party

Group Party

Family Get-together Party

Friends Get-together Party

Reunion Party

College Farewell Party

Birthday Party

Corporate Party

Your Requirements


Can We Help? Call +91-8588826881

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Starting Price
₹ 1100  / Person

Your Requirements