
Chattarpur House 1

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  Property Highlights

Chattarpur house 1 is the perfect fit for a comfortable night out or a fancy house party. Situated in the peaceful and scenic neighborhood of Chattarpur is this majestic 3BHK beauty. Fully furnished with all the necessary amenities, this house can serve up to 15 people comfortably.

Within 2KM of the Chattarpur metro station, this house has got good connectivity too. With a spacious living room and parking space too, this is literally the house of dreams for the lovers of an indoor night stay with friends. The night out frenzies, now you know, the perfect venue for the next party.

  Best Suitable For

Birthday Party

House Party

Bachelor Party

Christmas Party

Bachelorette Party

Diwali Party

Cards Party

New Year's Party

Group Party

Private Party

From ₹ 35500 / Night

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₹  / Night

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