
Boombox Reloaded

Call +918588826881 or fill your requirements


  Property Highlights

Inspired by the Hip-Hop street dancers who dance with a boombox playing music, Boombox Reloaded is where you need to be for your bachelor party in Delhi. Boombox Reloaded is heaven for those who wish to enjoy great food with a praise-worthy service. The interiors are dominated by metal shutters, graffiti on the wall & an overall grungy finish. Boombox Reloaded serves a delicious variety of street foods from around the world. One can also enjoy the many international desserts, salads, and health food options to heighten your dining experience. This place, with its vibrant ambience, is perfect for your bachelor party celebrations in Delhi.

  Best Suitable For

Corporate Party

Birthday Party


Rooftop Party

Bachelor Party

Kitty Party

Freshers Party

Farewell Party

Ladies Kitty Party

Couple Kitty Party

Christmas Party

New Year's Party

Employee Farewell Party

Office Annual Party

Social Gatherings Party

Group Party

Family Get-together Party

Friends Get-together Party

Reunion Party

College Farewell Party

Your Requirements


Can We Help? Call +91-8588826881

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Starting Price
₹ 1600  / Person

Your Requirements