World Sleep Day is observed on March 17th this year, it is an annually celebrated event that's usually commemorated on the third Friday of March every year.

Poor Sleep and Chronic Insomnia usually originates from Stress, concerns related to institutional work such as School, college, work or even personal causes like family, health and even finances.

What is Too Much Sleep? - A person’s Sleep needs depend on a variety of factors like age, Lifestyle and overall well being. According to Health Experts’ guidelines, Adults need an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep and Children need around 8-9 hours of sleep. A person who sleeps over 9-10 hours in a day can show symptoms like fatigue, lethargy, obesity and can cause diseases like depression, diabetes and even hyperthyroidism.

The World Sleep day was initiated by a collective known as The World Sleep Day Committee in 2008 as part of the Global Sleep Society

The Global Lifestyles are becoming hectic by the day have become more hectic by the running day due to the increased workload and increased working hours. According to an American Psychology Association study, it is known that normal Children today are more anxious than Child Psychiatric Patients in the 1950s.

TO ensure mental well being and good health sleep is a very important factor. Doctors believe that as they spread the word and evidence of the importance of sleep, more people across all ages would start prioritising sleep and embrace strategies to improve their sleeping patterns and circadian health.